Monday, July 20, 2009

Inspiring hope means more then uttering the word

Dear All,

Sorry I haven't been blogging as much or browsing other blogs lately. My community project has eaten up any extra time that I DID have. I thought I would write something inspirational to all those RADtastic parents and sufferer's as opposed to writing about my life with R.A.D.

Hope is more then praying. I had the honor of meeting a 1 and a half year old child today with the sure signs of R.A.D. (However, one cannot be diagnosed with R.A.D. until they are of verbal age, hence, cognitive therapy is very difficult). This child, had a beautiful smile, but at the same time, the eyes and the facial expressions of a very angry child. I will wait to tell her story until the family chooses us to represent them as clients.

Anyways, at the end of this meeting a very thankful RAD mom said to us "You were sent to us by angels". That kind of perked my ears up. I detest organized religion but I don't detest those that practice their religions. To each their own, as long as it makes them happy.

There is more to "hope" then prayer however or the assumption of fulfilled prophecies. Hope is hard work. It's more then praying for change. It's more than wishing things to change for you or those around you. It's sweat, tears and above all, sacrifice. Too many times I have heard the word "Hope" tossed around the proverbial room as if it was a catch phrase for change. Many people HOPE things change. I listen to R.A.D. parents say they "Hope" things will change. Those of you who know better know that "Hope" isn't talking, it's acting.

I have had the pleasure and the honor to speak with many families that call me all kinds of wonderful things. People say I am a R.A.D. warrior. I have been called "Strong". I have had parents thank me for speaking about R.A.D. My point is, I want to inspire hope through hard work, just as many R.A.D. parents are doing right now. They are inspiring hope through their selfless acts of love, courage and fortitude with very difficult children.

Every day, ALL of us have the chance to provide hope for everyone around us by our positive and giving actions. We all have the opportunity to make someone smile, someone laugh or provide our self inflicted wisdom to someone who needs help. Every minute, we have a chance to provide love, affection, a shoulder and an ear. The smallest things we do can impact a life on such a profound scale and we can start providing hope for our community right now. There are no time limits on providing hope to others.

It becomes a question of when we decide to stop having the world revolve around ourselves before we can utter the words "Hope" to another human being. When we decide to extend our hands to whoever needs help and honestly wants that help will hope form. Otherwise, "Hope" is just another word we use to describe a quality we don't know how to give to another human being. It's just a word.

I wonder how many people realize how difficult R.A.D. children are. The parents of these children are the ones I salute today. Today, I can honestly tell each and every one of you that what you are doing is providing TRUE HOPE. If the world had 30 percent more of people like yourselves, our world would be so different.

Whenever someone asks me (And I am getting alot less emails these days, oddly) "how can I help my child?" One thing I say is "Continue providing hope for your children".

Hope saves lives and redeems broken ones. It gives light to the darkest areas of a troubled life. It provides solace in a R.A.D. child's life. Keep doing the good that you are doing, even if you don't think your doing a good job. Most likely, you are and that word "Hope" actually means something.

Yes, today, because of you, Hope is alive and well.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. Wonderfully said. I went to my summary of findings appointment today with a therapist who finally sees what is going on. In the past my little guy has charmed therapists and social workers into believing that there could never be a more perfect child, and that I must be the one with the problems. Not this one! Part of her evaluation involved watching us from behind a one way mirror. She saw the switch from "I must charm this new person to like me just in case they are my new caretaker" to "I must defy my mommy at every level because she will leave me, just like all my other mommies did." She had lots of HOPE to offer us. A dx (not of RAD, but that is because his preschool is closed for the summer and she needs their input... his dx is transparent and evolving...) but with his dx we get therapy. (Insurance requires the label.) We get help, we get a direction to move forward in. We get heaps and heaps of HOPE.
I also cling to the moments that I see glimmers of sincerity. Like when he told me with the most sweet, sincere, not fakey voice that he wants to marry me when he grows up! "But no kissing on the lips, mommy. Cause that's gross."
And tonight when he PROUDLY came upstairs to show me he got his jammies on all by himself! We did the happy dance and I saw REAL emotion, real happiness. It's not often we get that, so I celebrate it when I see it in him!
Your blog offers me lots of hope as well. I feel like I am learning a trade as I move forward with my son. It's a rare trade, and it requires special tools. I pick up the tools I need along the way. I found some today at the therapist's office, and I find them on this blog too.