Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's time to stand up and stand together!

It's time to stand up and stand together.

This post is one without horror, bloodshed or sexual abuse. This post isn't about speaking to others. This post is about one thing:

Speaking Together.

It's time to stand up and stand together in our united cause. This cause, has taken many generations of destroyed lives riddled with terrible stories to come to fruition. Today, however, our voices can be united and celebrated with not only the hope of brighter futures for EVERYONE afflicted with RAD but for those yet to speak. Today as a community that has suffered, endured, cried and agonized it's our turn. It's our turn to share our stories with those who still quietly live in anguish and shame. Today it's our turn to hold our heads high and claim what is rightfully ours.

Our lives.

Today we can bring our message of healing to those that don't believe it's possible. Today we can be united in our common goals. We have the honor, privilege and the opportunity to be united as opposed to living quietly, vowing that the shame of our stories never be told in fear of common mockery. As a community is it not our job to lift ourselves and those that suffer with the strength of our stories and our struggles? As we have seen time and again a single story may be powerful, but a collective story changes lives. Today is the day to rally together and bring about change in our communities.

I challenge everyone that has an RAD story to join me and form an alliance that will be heard throughout the entire world. I invite you on a journey that may change not only your life, but those who are touched by yours. Our stories will support those who are afraid to share theirs.

Our common bond is the very bond we need to survive the perils of R.A.D. together as a community.

We no longer have to remain quiet in our homes hoping to one day be rid of this cursed disorder. Gone are the days of the frustration of isolation and desperation. Today we bring our stories to RAD parents, RAD sufferers, Doctors, Police Officers, School Officials, social workers and adoptive agencies. Our stories will be the definitive story of RAD and the hope that lies ahead for all, given to us by right of our lives.

RADOnline: The Online Consortium will be the adventure of a lifetime for all involved.As a community we will not only provide hope to those afflicted but educate ALL who yearn to understand R.A.D. through our collective voice of hope and sacrifice. Our experiences as well as our sacrifices will stand testament to the futures we can change today. All of us can speak. All of us can be heard.

Our unity will be our very paramount message to the community we seek to support and educate. Your RAD story, no matter what it entails will give depth and resonance that is so desperately needed in the RAD community. Some may be frightened or ashamed share their story with us. Don't be, we have been where you are and we want you to join us. We understand in the ways that only RAD parents, children and adults can possibly understand. You are NOT alone and you never were.

Our journey will be a difficult task for all involved. Every day will present new challenges that will and must be overcome. The road ahead will take many winding turns, much like the RAD story you are prepared to add to our voice. We will forge ahead into a new healing chapter of not only our lives, but the medical community as well. We invite everyone from all medical fields to join us in our never ending quest to educate and provide the necessary platform for hope and change.

Will you stand with us?


**For those interested in this opportunity to be of service to others, be part of an online RAD community and interested in sharing your RAD story please contact me for more information or see (Website still under heavy construction)

1 comment:

that would be me said...

I appreciate your efforts to galvanize this large and mostly silent group to take action and educate others about living with RAD. Best of luck to you.
One question, how did you finally break through from being a sufferer to an outspoken warrior? What helped you heal? Please share this important information. Thank you.